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What Is A Premium Audit?

A premium audit is a review of your payroll records and documentation at the end of your policy term. It’s done to verify whether the estimates provided at the beginning of the term were accurate and to ensure that the premium paid throughout your term was the correct amount.

Why do I need a premium audit?

Many states legally require premium audits to be conducted at the end of every policy period or if a policy is canceled.

Why do I need a premium audit? Why do I need a premium audit?

What to Expect During the Premium Audit Process

  • You’ll receive an email notification when it’s time for your premium audit.
  • We use a third party to conduct most of our audits. One of our audit partners will reach out after your policy expires to get started. Here's a list of our current audit vendors:
    • Afirm Solutions
    • CP Audits
    • Luque Premium Audit Specialists, Inc.
    • Morrison Insurance Services Company (MISCo)
    • NEIS, Inc.
    • Professional Casualty Services, Inc. (PCS)
    • ZOOM Audits, LLC
    • Berkley Premium Audit Services (BPAS)
  • The audit should be completed and submitted within 30 days.
  • Failure to comply can have significant consequences such as cancellation of an active policy term, being reported as non-compliant to the workers compensation bureau in your state or referral to a collections vendor.
Premium Audit Process Premium Audit Process

How to Prepare

When it comes time for your audit, you may be asked to provide the following records. It’s a good idea to keep these up to date throughout the policy term and to let your agent know about any changes to your business while your policy is active.

  • Payroll and overtime records
  • Job descriptions
  • Expenses
  • W-2 and 1099 forms
  • Certificates of insurance for all subcontractors
how to prepare for insurance premium audit how to prepare for insurance premium audit

How Does a Premium Audit Affect My Insurance Costs?

After complying with your audit, you’ll receive a final audit statement. This outlines the results and any changes to the overall premium for your term. If the final amount is different from your original annual premium estimate, you’ll receive a credit or an invoice.

how does insurance premium audit affect cost how does insurance premium audit affect cost

Who Will Conduct My Audit?

BerkleyNet works with a number of third-party partners to conduct your audit effectively. The assigned team will reach out after your policy term expires. They’ll explain any requirements, who to communicate with and more.


Here's a list of our current audit vendors:

  • Afirm Solutions
  • CP Audits
  • Luque Premium Audit Specialists, Inc.
  • Morrison Insurance Services Company (MISCo)
  • NEIS, Inc.
  • Professional Casualty Services, Inc. (PCS)
  • ZOOM Audits, LLC
  • Berkley Premium Audit Services (BPAS)
Who Will Conduct My Premium Audit? Who Will Conduct My Premium Audit?

What if I Have an Issue with My Auditor or Questions They Can’t Answer?

For questions about your audit that the auditor cannot answer or concerns about your audit experience, please contact us at [email protected].

What if I Have an Issue with premium audit advisory service? What if I Have an Issue with premium audit advisory service?